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Life Expetancy Calculator
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- Life Expetancy Calculator
1. Activation: it takes 5s to fully load.
2. INPUT: Only INPUT (Violet) area is editable, all Output will change automatically.
3. OUTPUT (UNISEX): When Unisex is applied, only look for the blue area in OUTPUT. Also, the Joint LE result showed in Male/Female Columns are not accurate and therefore not subject to comparison.
4. OUTPUT (M/F): When M/F is applied, only look for the green areas in OUTPUT corresponding to male/female plaintiff. For Joint Life Expectancy, we use mild green to show as a mixture of dark and light green, representing whatever the gender of plaintiff and spouse (assuming only heterosexual marriage) the Joint Life Expectancy is identical.
5. For mobile devices, portrait orientation is recommended.
6. Data Sources: Latest data from National Vital Statistics Report, by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
© 2023 David Gouiran, Esq. All Rights Reserved. Attorney Advertisement. Redesign by Bind